INFACT (v1.0) Materials

Including Neurodiversity in Foundational and Applied Computational Thinking


Funded by the US Department of Education’s Education Innovation and Research program, INFACT, or Including Neurodiversity in Foundational and Applied Computational Thinking, was a consortium of leading researchers and practitioners in computational thinking (CT) education. The project, led by EdGE at TERC, designed, developed, implemented, and researched INFACT v1.0 — a comprehensive and inclusive program of CT teaching and learning materials for computational thinking in grades 3-8.

Overview of Materials

INFACT (v1.0) consists of a broad variety of computational thinking (CT) materials, organized into customizable sequences and threaded through with the core ideas of CT, including Problem DecompositionPattern RecognitionAlgorithm Design, and Abstraction, as well as Debugging.

The materials are embedded with supports for executive function (EF) and social-emotional learning (SEL). Many of the INFACT activities are further adaptable based upon each learners’ interests and performance.

Click the button to learn more about the materials and download an activity.

Link to Activities