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Use of a Signing Bioscience Dictionary in Increasing Student Interpreters’ American Sign Language Life Science Vocabulary
Use of a Signing Bioscience Dictionary in Increasing Student Interpreters’ American Sign Language Life Science Vocabulary
Exploration of effectiveness of the Signing Bioscience Dictionary (SBD), when used in conjunction with Lamar University’s interpreting program, to increase student interpreters’ ASL life science vocabulary and content knowledge and ability to interpret material fluently and accurately.
Sharpening Our Focus on Equity: Reflections from the Storybook STEM Project
Sharpening Our Focus on Equity: Reflections from the Storybook STEM Project
The Storybook STEM Project shares the process that helped them unearth problematic assumptions and how their findings are relevant beyond storybooks and early childhood education.
Research Briefs through Interpreters’ Eyes: Recommendations for Scientists Sharing Park‐Based Research
Research Briefs through Interpreters’ Eyes: Recommendations for Scientists Sharing Park‐Based Research
This article covers how briefs can be formatted to better serve docents, volunteers, and interpretive rangers who are in a position to communicate science in parks, nature centers and other informal learning environments.
Consequences of Curricular Adaptation Strategies for Implementation at Scale
Consequences of Curricular Adaptation Strategies for Implementation at Scale
This study examines and compares how developers designed two primary science curricula to support teacher adaptation and enable use of innovative materials at scale.