Report on a small-scale mixed-methods study of how COVID-19 affected three-dimensional science learning in elementary school classrooms, and how the situation changed when school resumed, in modified form, in fall 2020.
The Designing Biomimetic Robots (BioRobots) project uses a design-based research (DBR) approach and emphasizes problem-based learning in an interdisciplinary integration of engineering, science, and computational thinking (CT).
A description of the development, design, implementation, and preliminary classroom results of an innovative curriculum, Focus on Energy, that supports learning about energy in grades 4–5.
Explore "Focus on Energy," a groundbreaking curriculum for Grades 4–5, fostering deep understanding of energy through hands-on activities and model-based reasoning.
The ranger-led hikes studied at Indiana Dunes National Park were presented in concert with “Interpreters and Scientists Working on Our Parks” (iSWOOP), which aimed to increase science and visual literacy and STEM learning among visitors to United States national parks.