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Students’ approaches to exploring relationships between categorical variables
Students’ approaches to exploring relationships between categorical variables
This paper explores how 11- to 14-year old students engaged in exploratory data analysis using the Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) to examine relationships between two categorical variables. Through individual clinical interviews, four strategies used by students to explore patterns, make comparisons, and answer questions with the data were identified.
Boundary Crossing in Student-Teacher-Scientist-Partnerships: Designer Considerations and Methods to Integrate Citizen Science with School Science
Boundary Crossing in Student-Teacher-Scientist-Partnerships: Designer Considerations and Methods to Integrate Citizen Science with School Science
This case study explored how successful designers tackled boundary crossing challenges while creating a scalable STSP for environmental education. The findings and guidelines developed from this study can help designers anticipate and attend to boundary crossing challenges in STSPs designed for environmental education, with implications for science education in general.
The Double Bind in Physics Education: Intersectionality, Equity, and Belonging for Women of Color
The Double Bind in Physics Education: Intersectionality, Equity, and Belonging for Women of Color
An incisive study of the mechanisms reinforcing the underrepresentation of women of color in STEM fields and a call for systemic change to address the imbalance.
How Activity Frames Shape Situated Identity Negotiation: Theoretical and Practical Insights from an Informal Engineering Education Program
How Activity Frames Shape Situated Identity Negotiation: Theoretical and Practical Insights from an Informal Engineering Education Program
This paper references various models and research to cover how adolescent youth negotiate and discuss their STEM identity.
Exploring the Relationship between Quantitative Reasoning Skills and News Habits
Exploring the Relationship between Quantitative Reasoning Skills and News Habits
Because people are constantly confronted with numbers and mathematical concepts in the news, the authors of this paper embarked on a project to create journalism that supports number skills in adults who consume the news. This paper focuses on the relationship between adults’ news habits and their quantitative reasoning skills.
The impact of a multimodal professional network on developing social capital and research capacity of faculty at historically black colleges and universities
The impact of a multimodal professional network on developing social capital and research capacity of faculty at historically black colleges and universities
This qualitative case study examined how a multimodal professional network environment (STEM for all Video Showcase) affected five STEM educational researchers’ capacity to engage in grant funded research at U.S. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
Supporting teachers’ engagement with student thinking in teacher-captured video-based professional development environments: factors and implications
Supporting teachers’ engagement with student thinking in teacher-captured video-based professional development environments: factors and implications
This article covers a study that investigated teachers’ engagement with student thinking during video clubs, which were part of a professional development model in which teachers captured and analysed their classroom videos and identified clips and questions to discuss in video clubs.
Supporting Postsecondary Educators to Develop Assessments for Student Learning Based on Backward Design
Supporting Postsecondary Educators to Develop Assessments for Student Learning Based on Backward Design
This article looks at how two postsecondary educators changed their courses after attending an assessment workshop that emphasized the use of "backward design" for course planning and alignment. It also discusses next research steps needed to support educators in designing fair undergraduate assessments and courses.