TERC’s iSWOOP2.0 Launches National Science Communications Program in Acadia
TERC’s iSWOOP2.0 Launches National Science Communications Program in Acadia

National Science Foundation funded project brings scientific research at national parks to the public

May 16, 2016


Contact:Ken Mayerken_mayer@terc.edu617.873.9670

Cambridge, MA —TERC and its partners at Winston-Salem State University will unveil a nation-wide effort to communicate the scientific research happening in and around America’s national parks at Acadia National Park (ANP) the week of May 16. Park rangers from ANP, Joshua Tree in California, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, the Boston Harbor Islands,  » Read more

TERC Hosts NSF 2016 STEM for All Video Showcase
TERC Hosts NSF 2016 STEM for All Video Showcase

Open event features more than 150 education research initiatives

May 10, 2016


Cambridge, MA — The NSF Video Showcase “STEM for All” runs from May 17th – 23rd, http://stemforall2016.videohall.com. This open and free event features three-minute video presentations from more than 150 projects aimed at improving STEM education that are funded by the National Science Foundation. The public is invited to view the videos, join the discussion online with presenters, and vote for the most effective presentations through social media.  » Read more

Cambridge Science Festival 2016
Cambridge Science Festival 2016

TERC workshops at the Cambridge Science Festival

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

TERC project workshops at the 10th anniversary Cambridge Science Festival were full and fun. Check out the projects that were represented this year.

Say It With Shapes and Numbers

Jugando juegos, construyendo torres, y contando cuentos … Todo con las matemáticas. (Play games, build towers, and tell stories—all with math!) Explore ways to mix the math of sizes, shapes, patterns, logic, and numbers into just about everything you do with projects and activities that mix in math.  » Read more

National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM)
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM)

Productive Lingering: Elementary Students Learn about Structure of the Operations through Representation-based Argument  (Spotlight Speaker)

Presenters: Susan Jo Russell (TERC)

April 13, 2016 at 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Abstract: Too often representations are passed over quickly, as if what they illustrate is obvious. What does it look like when grades 2-5 students spend focused time creating, comparing, and analyzing representations in order to understand the structure and behavior of the operations? Video examples from our research will be used to examine these questions

When the numbers are there,  » Read more

TERC at AERA 2016
TERC at AERA 2016

American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Friday, April 8 – Tuesday, April 12, 2016 | Washington, DC

Snowballing as a methodological approach for research literature synthesis in education: Synthesizing literature on women of color in engineering.

Fri, April 8, 12:00 to 1:30pm | Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom A

Presenters: Nuria Jaumot-Pascual, TERC; Maria (Mia) Ong, TERC; Lily Ko, TERC; Apriel K. Hodari, Council for Opportunity in Education

Few scholars share detailed methods for producing literature syntheses of qualitative research.  » Read more

TERC Board Names Interim Leader Laurie Brennan President
TERC Board Names Interim Leader Laurie Brennan President


Contact:Ken Mayerken_mayer@terc.edu617.873.9670

Cambridge, MA — The TERC Board of Trustees announced today the permanent appointment of Laurie Brennan as TERC president. Brennan, a senior management leader at TERC for more than a decade, has been serving as interim president for the past 18 months.

“The Board is unanimous and confident we have the right person to move TERC forward in its mission to improve STEM education,” said Board Chair George Hein.  » Read more
