Learning About Statistical Inference
Learning About Statistical Inference

This chapter reviews research on the learning of statistical inference, focusing in particular on recent research on informal statistical inference.

Families Needed to Test Signing Glossary
Families Needed to Test Signing Glossary

Visit a Boston Area Museum or Botanical Garden This Summer!

We are looking for families with at least one member who is deaf or hard of hearing and uses ASL for communication to help us test a signing glossary during a visit to a science museum, natural history museum, and/or botanical garden. The glossary is being developed with funding from NSF. Admission costs will be covered. We will arrange a time for the visit that is convenient for you.  » Read more

Hands On! Spring/Summer 2018
Hands On! Spring/Summer 2018

We are happy to release the latest version of Hands On! TERC’s commitment to and passion for social justice in education resonates throughout the Spring/Summer 2018 issue. Enjoy reading these articles and share them with your colleagues and network.

Download Hands On! Spring/Summer 2018

Last fall the TERC Scholar’s Program, an internship program led by Dr. Mia Ong, received its first cohort of interns, currently enrolled at Wheelock College. You’ll hear directly from these young learners as they share about their immersion in STEM research and experimentation alongside TERC project teams,  » Read more

TERC Hosts the 2018 STEM for All Video Showcase
TERC Hosts the 2018 STEM for All Video Showcase

TERC Hosts the 2018 STEM for AllVideo Showcase, May 14th– 21st funded by the National Science Foundation

Now in its 4th year, the STEM for All Video Showcase will feature three-minute video presentations and online discussions from 215 federally-funded innovative projects aimed at improving science, mathematics, engineering, technology and computer science learning.

All are welcome to participate by viewing videos of interest, engaging in online conversations, and voting for the Public Choice award.


Cambridge,  » Read more

TERC Workshops at Cambridge Science Festival 2018
TERC Workshops at Cambridge Science Festival 2018

STEAMworks@TERC2067 Massachusetts Ave1st FloorCambridge, MA 02140 

Story Time for Babies & Toddlers / Cuentacuentos bilingüe para bebés y niños pequeños

April 17 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am


Ages 0-3 with caregiver

Come for an English/Spanish story time and get a free math storybook for babies. We’ll read picture books that include the math we do when we’re playing and having fun! Then, we’ll explore math as we play.   

Vengan a disfrutar de un cuentacuentos en inglés y en español y consigan un libro de cuentos de matemáticas para bebés.  » Read more

Building Systems from Scratch: an Exploratory Study of Students Learning About Climate Change
Building Systems from Scratch: an Exploratory Study of Students Learning About Climate Change

Gillian Puttick and Eli Tucker-Raymond2018. Journal of Science Education and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10956-017-9725-x


Science and computational practices such as modeling and abstraction are critical to understanding the complex systems that are integral to climate science. Given the demonstrated affordances of game design in supporting such practices, we implemented a free 4-day intensive workshop for middle school girls that focused on using the visual programming environment, Scratch, to design games to teach others about climate change. The experience was carefully constructed so that girls of widely differing levels of experience were able to engage in a cycle of game design.  » Read more

Hands On! Magazine: Spring 2018
Hands On! Magazine: Spring 2018

Articles include:
* The TERC Scholars Program: Introducing Higher Education Students To Careers In STEM Education Research
* Stem Learning While Making: All Lives Can’t Matter Until Black Lives Matter
* Tracing The Invisible Fabric of Everyday Science: Field Notes
* Adult Numeracy: A Champion’s Legacy

A Girl Scout Program Focused on Energy Conservation
A Girl Scout Program Focused on Energy Conservation

A Design Based Research Study

Gillian Puttick, Debra Bernstein, and Teon Edwards—2018. Educational Designer, 3(10). 


This paper describes the retrospective analysis of a sequence of design decisions made while iteratively developing a science program for eight- to fourteen-year-old Girl Scouts. The program focused on energy conservation and climate change. To analyze the design, we drew on the original theoretical framework and analyzed design documents to clearly articulate a series of previously implicit design conjectures.  » Read more

Signing Math and Science looking for families for museum visit
Signing Math and Science looking for families for museum visit

Would you like to visit the Museum of Science Boston or the SEE Science Center in Manchester, NH? Signing Math and Science is looking for families with deaf or hard of hearing children that use ASL, to use and give opinions on a new portable, 3D glossary of ASL science terms that is on an iPod Touch. Please contact tara_robillard@terc.edu for more information or to schedule a visit.  » Read more
