The largest Video Showcase to date addresses the theme Innovations in STEM Education and encourages interaction, collaboration, networking, and public voting: May 13th-20th
Score:Model-based reasoning about energy: A fourth-grade case study, written by the Focus on Energy team, was one of three papers to win an NSTA Annual Research Worth Reading award from the National Association for Research in Science Teaching.
Score:As schools prepare the next generations of scientists, logically we should be seeing a seismic shift toward teaching data science in STEM classrooms. Yet this is not happening, as data science doesn’t fit clearly into the disciplines around which the curriculum is currently organized.
Score:The word “disability” suggests that someone is unable to learn or cannot learn the same material as other students. In reality, students with an LD diagnosis can learn; they just do so in ways that are different from the mainstream. The fact is, every person learns differently, depending on the subject, the way the material is presented, their personal experiences, and many other variables.
Score:The Investigations Center for Curriculum and Professional Development at TERC, home to the Investigations curriculum, provides a variety of professional development resources and workshops for teachers, coaches, and administrators, with an eye towards supporting math teaching and learning, using technology as a tool to reach our diverse audience.
Score:Can you remember the moment that sparked your interest in math or science? The National Science Foundation posted this question on Twitter to draw peoples’ attention to the power of STEM education.
Score:Come play TERC’s award-winning, puzzle game Zoombinis, and experience how it engages players using computational thinking skills.
Score:If you are a family with at least one member who is deaf and hard of hearing, these new signing glossary apps might be for you. Each glossary provides access to thousands of signed terms and definitions specifically for aquariums, botanical gardens, natural history museums, nature centers, science museums, and zoos.
Score:Registration opens January 15th to be a presenter in the 2019 STEM for ALL Video Showcase, hosted by TERC and funded by NSF, addressing the theme Innovations in STEM Education.