Teaching Science to English Language Learners
Teaching Science to English Language Learners

Teaching Science to English Language Learners combines research findings with classroom vignettes and the perspectives of teachers to support your efforts to see diversity as a resource in the science classroom.

Talking Mathematics: Supporting Children’s Voices
Talking Mathematics: Supporting Children’s Voices

The Talking Mathematics project explored ways teachers support mathematical discourse in elementary classrooms.

Study of Place
Study of Place

Study of Place consists of two web-based science units that give middle grades students access to technological tools and resources used by scientists, and provide opportunities for authentic inquiry about the interconnectedness of our world.

Statistics for Action Materials
Statistics for Action Materials

Statistics for Action (SfA) has developed free, math-rich materials that enable community members to interpret environmental test results, make informed decisions based on data, and use numbers to convincingly communicate concerns to officials and neighbors.

Signing Glossaries for use in informal STEM Learning Environments
Signing Glossaries for use in informal STEM Learning Environments

The Signing Glossaries project researched and developed six separate signing glossaries for use with handhelds to provide visitors ages 5-12+ who are deaf or hard of hearing access to STEM vocabulary.

Science by Design
Science by Design

Four sets of well-loved activities have been repackaged in one convenient volume that seamlessly combines hands-on experience with intriguing engineering concepts.

My Kids Can: Making Math Accessible to All Learners, K-5
My Kids Can: Making Math Accessible to All Learners, K-5

My Kids Can is designed to help K-5 teachers make math accessible for all students—especially focusing on instructional strategies that help students struggling with math advance toward grade-level competency.

Investigating Science Outdoors
Investigating Science Outdoors

Investigating Science Outdoors is a supplementary science curriculum, targeted for grades 7-9, that engages students in authentic explorations of a study site—a small piece of land near their school.

Investigating Astronomy
Investigating Astronomy

Investigating Astronomy is the first comprehensive astronomy textbook written specifically for high school students.

Hands-On Universe™
Hands-On Universe™

An educational program that enables high school students to do investigations in astronomy while applying tools and concepts from science, math, and technology.
