SEEC is working collaboratively with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s BioInteractive team to evaluate implementation and impact of classroom resources, planning tools, and professional development designed for science educators.
Score:The ACCT project is developing, implementing, and studying a professional development model for improving chemistry teachers’ formative assessment practices to foster teaching focused on chemical thinking.
Score:SEEC offers consultation, external evaluation, and research support for existing STEM education grants and programs and collaborates with proposal writing teams to design studies.
Score:Strengthening the Cultural Relevance of the Head Start on Engineering Program for Spanish-Speaking Families
Score:Empowering Teachers Through VideoReView is a NSF funded research and development project to enhance elementary science teachers’ attention to students’ science thinking.
Score:Science curricula for grades 3-5 and professional development aligned with the NRC Science Framework.
Score:TERC is collaborating with Charlesbridge Publishing to develop picture books that meld story, racial diversity, and math and are written by authors of color.
Score:Project LEAP researchers are developing a Grades K–5 Early Algebra Learning Progression (EALP) to foster young children’s algebraic thinking and are testing its potential to improve children’s algebra-readiness for middle grades.
Score:This project is developing a prototype Signing Bioscience Dictionary that will include approximately 1,500 terms routinely used in undergraduate biology courses.
Score:Doing the Math with Paraeducators is developing, implementing, refining, and researching a mathematics professional development program for paraeducators, K-3.