Jennifer Knudsen
Jennifer Knudsen

Senior Principal Investigator


Please read our FAQs for immediate answers to the most common questions. Have additional questions? Just contact us.  » Read more

Janice Jackson
Janice Jackson

Education Consultant in Policy, Leadership, and Organizational Change


As TERC celebrates more than 55 years in STEM education, we are especially grateful to our founder, Arthur H. Nelson, who passed away in 2015.

Nelson was a noted entrepreneur, passionate about innovation, technology, and education. He led the organization in its early days and served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees until 2013. Originally, the acronym TERC stood for Technical Education Research Centers—a title that encompassed the technical and vocational education endeavors of the organization at the time.  » Read more

Nuria Jaumot-Pascual
Nuria Jaumot-Pascual

Research Scientist


TERC’s mission is to improve mathematics and science education

TERC works at the frontiers of theory and practice to develop a deeper understanding of learning and teaching; enhance instruction through teacher professional development; develop applications of new technologies in education; create curricula and other products; and support reform in both institutional and informal settings.


TERC imagines a future in which learners from diverse communities engage in creative, rigorous, and reflective inquiry as an integral part of their lives—a future where teachers and students join together in vibrant communities where questioning,  » Read more

About TERC
About TERC

We are TERC, an independent research-based non-profit organization. We’re dedicated to inspiring and engaging learners through stimulating research, materials and tool development, and professional development.

Our team is passionate about promoting equal access to learning opportunities in a variety of educational settings. We’re committed to teaching and motivating all learners so they’re able to develop the skills and confidence they need to ask questions, solve problems, and expand their options in higher education and career development.  » Read more

Jay Labov, Ph.D.
Jay Labov, Ph.D.

STEM Education Consultant

Sara Lacy
Sara Lacy

Senior Scientist – Retired
