Hands On! Magazine: Winter 2017
Hands On! Magazine: Winter 2017

Articles include:
* Special Interface for Special Students
* Focus on Energy
* Young People Designing Games About Climate Change
* Whats the Weather? eBook
* Zoo Learning Comes to Life

TERC’s Mia Ong presents at AAAS Annual Meeting in Boston
TERC’s Mia Ong presents at AAAS Annual Meeting in Boston

A Pathway Perspective on Expanding the Participation of Women in IT

Saturday, February 18, 2017: 3:00 PM-4:30 PMRoom 203 (Hynes Convention Center)

Speaker:Mia Ong, TERC

Agency of Women of Color in Computing: Strategies for Persistence and SuccessComputing is a discipline in which women, especially women of color, are severely underrepresented. Drawing upon data from over 20 interviews with women of color students and professionals in computing, this talk illuminates how women of color are innovative agents in the strategies they utilize to navigate and persist in their discipline.  » Read more

TERC Receives One of First NSF INCLUDES awards
TERC Receives One of First NSF INCLUDES awards

Program aims to broaden participation in STEM at national scale, with initial awards totaling nearly $14 million

September 13, 2016

Contact:Ken Mayerken_mayer@terc.edu617.873.9670

Cambridge, MA —The National Science Foundation (NSF) has issued its first-ever awards for the NSF INCLUDES program, a comprehensive initiative to enhance U.S. leadership in science and engineering by broadening participation in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). NSF INCLUDES (Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science) aims to improve access to STEM education and career pathways at the national scale,  » Read more
