BioInteractive Evaluation Studies
BioInteractive Evaluation Studies

SEEC is working collaboratively with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s BioInteractive team to evaluate implementation and impact of classroom resources, planning tools, and professional development designed for science educators.

Assessing for Change in Chemical Thinking
Assessing for Change in Chemical Thinking

The ACCT project is developing, implementing, and studying a professional development model for improving chemistry teachers’ formative assessment practices to foster teaching focused on chemical thinking.

STEM Education Evaluation Center (SEEC)
STEM Education Evaluation Center (SEEC)

SEEC offers consultation, external evaluation, and research support for existing STEM education grants and programs and collaborates with proposal writing teams to design studies.

Head Start on Engineering
Head Start on Engineering

Strengthening the Cultural Relevance of the Head Start on Engineering Program for Spanish-Speaking Families


Empowering Teachers Through VideoReView is a NSF funded research and development project to enhance elementary science teachers’ attention to students’ science thinking.

The Inquiry Project
The Inquiry Project

Science curricula for grades 3-5 and professional development aligned with the NRC Science Framework.

Storytelling Math
Storytelling Math

TERC is collaborating with Charlesbridge Publishing to develop picture books that meld story, racial diversity, and math and are written by authors of color.

Project LEAP
Project LEAP

Project LEAP researchers are developing a Grades K–5 Early Algebra Learning Progression (EALP) to foster young children’s algebraic thinking and are testing its potential to improve children’s algebra-readiness for middle grades.

STEM Signing for Undergraduate Interpreters
STEM Signing for Undergraduate Interpreters

This project is developing a prototype Signing Bioscience Dictionary that will include approximately 1,500 terms routinely used in undergraduate biology courses.

Enhancing and Empowering: Doing the Math with Paraeducators, a Mathematics Professional Development Model for PreK to Grade 3
Enhancing and Empowering: Doing the Math with Paraeducators, a Mathematics Professional Development Model for PreK to Grade 3

Doing the Math with Paraeducators is developing, implementing, refining, and researching a mathematics professional development program for paraeducators, K-3.
