Interactive Whiteboard Use in High-Tech Science Classrooms: Patterns of Integration
Interactive Whiteboard Use in High-Tech Science Classrooms: Patterns of Integration
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, Vol 9, No 9
Interactive whiteboard (IWB) use has been associated with increased student motivation, engagement, and achievement, though many studies ignore the role of the teacher in effecting those positive changes. The current study followed the practice of 28 high school science teachers as they integrated the IWB into their regular classroom activities. The extent of teachers’ adoption and integration fell along a continuum, from the technologically confident “early adopter” to the low-use “resistant adopter.” Patterns of use are explored by extracting data from representative teachers’ practice. Science-specific benefits of IWB use, barriers to integration, and lessons learned for professional development are discussed.

Related People:
Kathryn Hobbs, Brian Drayton, and Joni Falk