Head Start on Engineering: 2017–18 Program Year Evaluation Report
Scott A. Pattison, Gina N. Svarovsky, Marcie Benne, Pam Corrie, Verónika Núñez, and Cynthia Smith
Institute for Learning Innovation, Portland, OR
Head Start on Engineering (HSE) is a multi-component, bilingual (Spanish/English) program model integrated within the Head Start system
and designed to spark and sustain interest in engineering for preschool children and their families. This report focuses on the evaluation study that was conducted during the 2017–18 pilot program year. The report is written for program managers, researchers, and evaluators interested in evidence of the program’s impact on families and staff members, as well as lessons learned that the team is using to strengthen and expand the program moving forward. The report also provides technical details about the evaluation instruments and measures used to assess program impacts.

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Scott Pattison