EMPower: Offering Tools to Adult Education Teachers
Heidi Schuler-Jones
Schuler-Jones, H. EMPower: Offering Tools to Adult Education Teachers. Hands On! Fall 2022.
To say the EMPower books and the ANI-PD transformed my teaching is an understatement. Those experiences shaped my approach to education as a whole and modeled for me the importance of teachers having access to background knowledge and support on guiding students through collaborative learning where the teacher probes for deeper understanding through questions rather than quick solutions. I learned that traditional lecture and drill instruction limited the opportunity for adult learners to apply the collective wisdom they brought to the learning space from their years of experience as workers, consumers, and parents. I learned the teacher was better placed as a guide, armed with the kinds of tools and training that made her feel confident enough to explore math and not just teach procedures the way they had been taught for generations.