Our projects address the full spectrum of topics and issues associated with STEM education, and they often result in insightful and inspiring publications.
From books to peer-reviewed journals, op-ed pieces, and conference presentations, our publications allow you to explore the wide range of research TERC staff have undertaken for more than 55 years. These materials answer challenging questions, uncover important findings, and delve deeper into creating a level playing field for life-long learners. Every day we strive to inform and engage our audience with the best practices in education for all learners, as well as professional development, and evaluation. We’re moving the world forward with STEM education, and our publications can help you join the movement.
Muscles, Lungs, Blood and Guts
April 24, 2007
Integrating Arithmetic and Algebra
April 1, 2007
Understanding the Dearth of Women in Science
July 8, 2005
Schools and Families: Creating a Math Partnership
April 1, 2003