Milwaukee Master Teacher Partnership Evaluation
Lead Staff:
Eric HochbergSummaryThe Milwaukee Master Teacher Partnership (MMTP) supports the improvement of STEM teaching and learning in a large, urban district, by providing experienced teachers with opportunities to earn micro-credentials as they acquire additional content knowledge for teaching, engage in classroom-based action research, and assume instructional leadership roles. Leveraging the content area and pedagogical expertise of University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee faculty, the MMTP engages teachers in professional learning that is relevant to their own needs, and enhances the capacity for STEM teaching and learning in the Milwaukee Public Schools.
The evaluation, conducted by the STEM Education Evaluation Center (SEEC) at TERC, provides independent assessment of, and feedback on, project implementation and the quality of participants’ experiences, and supports the project’s own research on impacts.
The Milwaukee Master Teacher Partnership (MMTP) supports the improvement of STEM teaching and learning in a large, urban district, by providing experienced teachers with opportunities to earn micro-credentials as they acquire additional content knowledge for teaching, engage in classroom-based action research, and assume instructional leadership roles. Leveraging the content area and pedagogical expertise of University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee faculty, the MMTP engages teachers in professional learning that is relevant to their own needs, and enhances the capacity for STEM teaching and learning in the Milwaukee Public Schools.
The evaluation, conducted by the STEM Education Evaluation Center (SEEC) at TERC, provides independent assessment of, and feedback on, project implementation and the quality of participants’ experiences, and supports the project’s own research on impacts.

National Science Foundation
Award Number:
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
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