Sherry Soares
Sherry Soares
Project Manager
Folashadé Solomon
Folashadé Solomon
Principal Investigator
Judy Storeygard
Judy Storeygard
Senior Researcher
Martin Storksdieck, Ph.D.
Martin Storksdieck, Ph.D.
Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning, Oregon State University
Andy Stuppard
Andy Stuppard
Division Administrative Manager
Annie Sussman
Annie Sussman
Curriculum Developer & Education Researcher
Lisette Torres-Gerald
Lisette Torres-Gerald
Senior Researcher
Anne Turner
Anne Turner
Director of Strategic Projects and Outreach
Dr. Marina Umaschi Bers
Dr. Marina Umaschi Bers
Augustus Long Professor of Education at the Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College