Showing 131-140 of 153 results for team-up

Adult Numeracy Center PD
Adult Numeracy Center PD

Are you looking for professional development (PD) opportunities to foster conceptual understanding, improve reasoning and justification skills, and share experiences with peers?


Use video technology to see patterns in students’ learning you couldn’t see before.

Adult Numeracy Center
Adult Numeracy Center

The Adult Numeracy Center at TERC helps adults and young adults understand how math is present and relevant in everyday life, and how they can use this knowledge to improve their lives and communities.

Supporting teachers’ engagement with student thinking in teacher-captured video-based professional development environments: factors and implications
Supporting teachers’ engagement with student thinking in teacher-captured video-based professional development environments: factors and implications

This article covers a study that investigated teachers’ engagement with student thinking during video clubs, which were part of a professional development model in which teachers captured and analysed their classroom videos and identified clips and questions to discuss in video clubs.

Europa and Astrobiology Education Resources
Europa and Astrobiology Education Resources

Materials associated with the UniVRsal Access project.


The ExIST Project is a teacher professional development model that supports middle school biology teachers to adapt curriculum by integrating game design to enhance biological systems learning and skills in systems thinking from constructionist and participatory perspectives.