Visit the TERC Exhibit Booth at the STEM20 Virtual Conference
Join us at the TERC booth to meet the authors and researchers behind our STEM curricula and resources. We have a packed schedule at the booth with projects that are for all age groups and range from storybooks to energy curricula to adult math PD resources and everything in between!
Below is a schedule to help you plan when you can get face to face time with each author! If you can’t make it to our booth during a specific author hour, please still stop by anytime and a representative will be available to answer your questions.
Monday, July 27 — Early Childhood and Elementary
1pm ET: Author Sara Levine, Alyssa Mito Pusey from Charlesbridge, and TERC’s Marlene Kliman will talk about the new Storytelling Math picture book series for ages 0-5, including topics important for math and science, like measurement, classification, and spatial sense. Celebrate children using math in their daily adventures, as they play, build, and discover the world around them.
2pm ET: Sara Lacy and Sally Crissman will be available to answer questions about their approach to teaching and learning about energy in elementary school. Focus on Energy addresses the NGSS and includes teacher PD, online resources, and assessments.
3pm ET: Interested in Computational Thinking in elementary and middle school? Senior scientists Jodi Asbell-Clarke and Teon Edwards will be at the booth to speak about their project and the comprehensive system of curriculum, assessments, and PD they are developing for a wide range of learners, including neurodiverse learners.
4pm ET: Scott Pattison and Smirla Ramos-Montanez will be available to talk about how to open the doors to engineering education for families with preschool-age children. Learn how this bilingual program makes engineering feel approachable and supports early childhood play and development. The NSF-funded program includes teacher PD, parent workshops, take-home activity kits, online videos, complementary classroom activities, and more.

Tuesday, July 28 — Middle School Day
3pm ET: Jodi Asbell-Clarke and Teon Edwards will be back to speak about their project and the comprehensive system of curriculum, assessments, and PD they are developing for a wide range of learners, including neurodiverse learners.

Wednesday, July 29 — High School Day
2:30pm ET: Gilly Puttick will be at the booth to discuss Innovate to Mitigate, the open innovation challenges for grades 9-12 to develop methods for mitigating global climate change. The challenges invite students to participate in a global effort to reduce emissions, engage with peers and scientists about real science, and the chance to win a prize!

Thursday, July 30 — Postsecondary Day
3pm ET: Are you looking for resources and PD for adult learners? Donna Curry and Sherry Soares of TERC’s Adult Numeracy Center can help with PD and workshops for teachers of all levels that show their students how math is present and relevant in everyday life and how they can use this knowledge to improve their lives and communities.