TERC Hosts 5th Annual STEM for All Video Showcase
Funded by NSF, STEM for All Video Showcase Broadens Participation and Access to STEM Education
Joni Falk, TERC
The largest Video Showcase to date addresses the theme Innovations in STEM Education and encourages interaction, collaboration, networking, and public voting: May 13th-20th

Cambridge, MA — Researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and informal educators interested in enhancingSTEM education are invited to take part in a free, interactive, week-long video showcase event, featuring 242 federally-funded projects. The online event, http://stemforall2019.videohall.com, provides an ideal platform to learn about innovative initiatives to improve STEM education by viewing three-minute video presentations, engaging in online discussions with the presenters, and voting for the Public Choice award.
All are welcome to view, discuss, and vote for favorites from May 13th-20th.
“The power of the Showcase is that it gives educators and researchers access to a broad range of innovative projects funded by multiple programs within the National Science Foundation and by other federal agencies. This interactive experience allows multiple audiences from across the globe to provide feedback, comments, resources, and ideas that enrich efforts as they evolve,” said Joni Falk, Principal Investigator of the Video Showcase and co-director of the Center for School Reform at TERC.
Visitors to the site can filter the presentations by grade level, organization, state, keywords, or audience typeto find those of greatest interest. In addition to discussing the videos, all visitors can vote for their favorite presentations. At the end of the event, presentations that received the most votes will be identified as “Public Choice” winners.
“We rarely have the chance to connect with others in the field in this way,” said Vicki OlesonAssistant Professor at the University of Northern Iowa. “Conferences provide an opportunity to share, but the Showcase highlighted other grants and could be sorted so we could find others that are doing similar work.”
The 2019 Showcase has a significant increase in the number of videos that address broadening participation in STEM higher education, as well as an increase in videos that address teacher professional development. While the majority of the projects in the Showcase are funded by the NSF, there are also presentations from projects funded by 10 other federal agencies, indicating the Showcase’s expanded reach: ED, EPA, IMLS, NASA, NEH, NIH, NOAA, NSA, ONR, USAID.
The 2018 Video Showcase had over 72,000 unique visitors from 180 countries, showing the potential of this kind of event to broadly disseminate cutting-edge work to improve STEM.
The STEM for All Video Showcase is created and hosted by TERC, in partnership with six NSF funded resource centers: MSPnet, CADRE, CAISE, CIRCL, STELAR, and CS for All Teachers. The Showcase is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (#1642187).
To learn more about the Showcase and to watch the project videos, visit http://stemforall2019.videohall.com.
About TERC and Its Mission
TERC is a nonprofit made up of teams of math and science education and research experts dedicated to innovation and creative problem solving. At the frontier of theory and practice, TERC’s work encompasses research, content and curriculum development, technology innovation, professional development, and program evaluation. TERC has a passion for social justice and strives to create level playing fields for all learners, reaching more than three million students every year. To learn more, please visit terc.edu.