Susan Jo Russell to present at the 2021 Virtual Leadership Seminar on Mathematics Professional Learning

What We’re Learning to Ask About the Weaving of Mathematics and Equity During Classroom Talk
Susan Jo Russell, Senior Researcher, Education Research Collaborative at TERC
Deborah Schifter, Principal Research Scientist, EDC
Saturday, March 13, 1:15-2:15 EASTERN
As they plan and implement mathematics discussions, teachers must both develop a coherent mathematical story line and give all students an opportunity to learn. The first involves eliciting students’ ideas, tracking what students are figuring out, and considering how to draw attention to questions and ideas that move the class toward deeper insight. Of equal weight is the second commitment, giving each student an opportunity to engage in substantive reasoning, to voice ideas, and to freely express questions and confusion. In this interactive session, participants will view elementary classroom videos to consider the challenges and tensions of these two commitments. Grades PK-5