Signing Math and Science looking for families for museum visit
Signing Math and Science looking for families for museum visit
Would you like to visit the Museum of Science Boston or the SEE Science Center in Manchester, NH? Signing Math and Science is looking for families with deaf or hard of hearing children that use ASL, to use and give opinions on a new portable, 3D glossary of ASL science terms that is on an iPod Touch. Please contact for more information or to schedule a visit.  » Read more
Register Now to be a Presenter in the 2018 STEM for All Video Showcase
Register Now to be a Presenter in the 2018 STEM for All Video Showcase
The 4th Annual Video Showcase, hosted by TERC and funded by NSF, will address the theme: “Transforming the STEM Education Landscape.” Presenter Registration closes soon – Don’t miss out! Register now at!  During the week of May 14th – 21st, educators, researchers and others with an interest in STEM Education will have the chance to review videos on the multitude of educational projects funded by the National Science Foundation and other federal agencies.  » Read more
Watch Jodi Asbell-Clarke’s TedXYouth Talk
Watch Jodi Asbell-Clarke’s TedXYouth Talk
On November 4, Jodi Asbell-Clarke was a speaker in TedXBeaconSt, We Know More Then We Can Tell To unleash the potential of all learners, we need to start looking at what people can do, not just what they can say. Many of the cognitive differences of neurodiverse students (learners with Autism, ADD, Dyslexia and other cognitive functions that make school difficult) may also empower them with creativity, resilience, and innovative approaches to problem-solving. Our education system struggles to measure and support these different ways of thinking,  » Read more
On November 4, Jodi Asbell-Clarke was a speaker in TedXBeaconSt. Her talk, We Know More Then We Can Tell, addressed the issue of students who don’t test well, and her research into finding students’ implicit knowledge —knowledge which they demonstrate through their behaviors and actions, not just how they answer questions on a test. Jodi and her team looks at the enhanced creativity and collaborative problem solving that is unique to some learners with ADD and the systematic thinking of some learners with autism,  » Read more
TERC Welcomes Two New Board Members
TERC Welcomes Two New Board Members
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:communications@terc.edu617.873.9600 Cambridge, MA – TERC’s Board of Trustees has appointed two new members: Dr. Nadine Bonda, Assistant Professor at American International College, and Dr. DIane Souvaine, Professor of Computer Science and Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at Tufts University. Dr. Nadine Bonda has worked in education for over 40 years, holding positions of Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Principal, Mathematics Department Chair, Mathematics Teacher, and Head of a school for students with dyslexia and language processing problems.  » Read more
A successful EMPower® pilot in Kentucky
A successful EMPower® pilot in Kentucky
Adult Education Students Gain Conceptual Understanding and Real-World Math Skills Overview Kentucky Adult Education (KYAE) Skills U helps adult students attain high school equivalency diplomas and prepare for college and career success. Gayle Box, Senior Associate of College and Career Preparation, has worked for a decade to ensure adult students reach their goals. With KYAE Skills U’s adoption of the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) from the Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education (OCTAE) in 2012,  » Read more
Seeking out Math in Making Experiences
Seeking out Math in Making Experiences
By Andee Rubin, Scott Pattison, and Tracey Wright— 2017. Dimensions, Vol 18, No. 6. Association of Science-Technology Centers Incorporated, Washington, DC. Negative attitudes about mathematics and the poor performance of U.S. adults and students on measures of mathematical reasoning are well-documented problems that limit many people’s identities and career aspirations. At the same time, the last decade has seen a proliferation of out-of-school environments that foster making and tinkering activities. Enthusiastic participants in these activities are often engaging in mathematical reasoning without realizing it—and thus do not consider themselves competent mathematical thinkers.  » Read more
Math in the Making website officially launched
Math in the Making website officially launched
We are happy to announce that the Math in the Making website has been officially launched!  You can find it at: The website includes videos and slides from the major presentations at the 2016 workshop, a short video with selections from the gallery walk, links to the pre- and post-conference online forums, a list of conference participants and our NSF Video Showcase Video. In addition, there are several written products: a summary of research on math in informal learning environments,  » Read more
Lawrence O’Toole Teacher Leadership Awards Announced
Lawrence O’Toole Teacher Leadership Awards Announced
Congratulations to Investigating STEM Literacies in Makerspaces teacher, Ashley Freeman! Ashley was named one of 12 New England teachers to win the Lawrence O’Toole Teacher Leadership Award, due to her focus on innovative student-centered learning.The awards honor public high school teachers across the region who are working to scale student-centered learning in their schools, districts and communities.   More About Ashley FreemanMalden High School, Malden, MA A physics and engineering teacher at Malden High School, Ashley encourages her students to participate in the school’s makerspace and developed a course called Creative Design and Engineering,  » Read more
Families in the Boston Area Needed!
Families in the Boston Area Needed!
TERC, a nonprofit organization located in Cambridge, MA, is looking for families with at least one child, age 5 and up, who is deaf or hard of hearing and uses ASL for communication, to use a prototype signing glossary during a visit to a zoo. The glossary is being developed to enhance access to science learning for families such as yours. Admission and parking costs will be covered. Glossaries for use in other kinds of museums, such as nature centers,  » Read more