October 17, 2019
Annie Sussman is presenting “Questions That Elicit Students’ Mathematical Ideas: Supporting Meaningful Discourse” on Thursday, 10/17/19, 8:00-9:00am in Salt Palace Convention Center, 255B.

October 16, 2019
Read about Jodi Asbell-Clarke and Zoombinis mentioned in the latest APA Monitor on Psychology article “Games with Impact,” about psychology-savvy video games that address health, education, and socio-emotional skills.
October 11, 2019
Dr. Juniper Harrower, iSWOOP featured artist and Joshua
Tree National Park artist-in-residence, opens a multimedia art exhibition on
Friday, October 18th, as the inaugural show at the new Black Rock Art Gallery
located in Joshua Tree National Park. Read more

October 8, 2019
Center For Astrophysics Science Education monthly seminar featured TERC’s Jim Hammerman talking about the IDATA project where they’re developing software to help students who are blind and visually impaired collect astronomical data.

September 27, 2019
NCTM Regional was in Boston this year and we took advantage of all our friends and partners being in one location! We had a wonderful time celebrating with those who have supported our math work over the last 50+ years.