Join TERC’s Marlene Kilman on 12/14 at 3pm ET for the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading’s interactive “playshop” for early math + early literacy advocates.

December 6, 2022

An interactive workshop for early math literacy advocates that will spotlight children’s books that will make you think about math in a whole new way!

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Jillian Ives, Brian Drayton, Kathryn Hobbs, & Joni Falk examine how the STEM for all Video Showcase affected STEM educational researchers’ capacity to engage in grant funded research at U.S. HBCUs.

December 2, 2022

Learn more and read, The impact of a multimodal professional network on developing social capital and research capacity of faculty at historically black colleges and universities.

Lisette Torres-Gerald of TERC will be on a STEM Equity panel by GlobalMindED this Thursday, November 17.

November 16, 2022

Join panel leader Dr. Susan Swayze & panelists Dr. Janelle Johnson, Lisette Torres-Gerald, Melvin Stallings, & Rubi Amateco for a discussion on leveraging collaborations & partnerships to advance STEM equity.

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Anushree Bopardikar of TERC along with colleagues have published an article in Technology, Pedagogy, and Education.

October 20, 2022

Learn more and read, Supporting teachers’ engagement with student thinking in teacher-captured video-based professional development environments: factors and implications.

Anushree Bopardikar, Karen Mutch-Jones and Santi Gasca have co-authored the book chapter, Faculty Professional Development for Better Assessment of Student Learning: A Program Evaluation with Life Science Instructors.

October 18, 2022

Learn more and purchase the book, Handbook of STEM Faculty Development, here.