Ibrahim Dahlstrom-Hakki of TERC will be Chairing a Panel entitled Neuro/Cognitive Research to Inform Neurodiverse Education at IMBES July 21st-23rd
The panel will include the following:
- Dr. Christodoulou will discuss the neurocognitive basis of dyslexia as it relates to executive function and ADHD and implications for assessment and intervention.
- Dr. Romeo will discuss the growing body of research, including her own, that finds certain neurocognitive foundations of learning and learning disabilities are moderated by children’s early environments, and how this informs targeted interventions.
- Dr. D’Mello will discuss the development of intelligent interventions that target particular mental states (confusion, mind wandering, etc) and how this work can be applied/adapted for neurodiverse learners.
- Dr. Alstad will provide the perspective of a researcher in the field of neurodiversity who is also diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia and will speak to project work using co-design and the “nothing about us without us” ethos.
- Dr. Asbell-Clarke will provide a rationale for treating neurodiversity as a potential asset to STEM learning, and the types of pedagogies that can help neurodiverse learners thrive.