Thank you for your interest in the VisTe PD. Here are more details about the program:
- Focus on argumentation and 4 other math practices
- 2 years of PD for teachers and their math coaches (starting summer 2022)
- 5-day summer workshop for teachers and coaches
- Extra days for coaches only
- Teachers and coaches are paid for this PD
- Coaches and teachers use the VisTe coaching cycle during the year, at least 4 times.
- Teachers use specially adapted lessons from Illustrative Math, for those 4 cycles (total of 4 lessons)
- Video based coaching and feedback;
- Each school gets a SWIVL for teachers to video record each of those 4 lessons (each teacher controls access to their own videos).
- Coach and teacher reflect on the video together using a specially designed research-based Discussion Guide.
- Coach/teacher sessions are video-recorded and coaches get feedback from VisTe staff.
- Special feature: Visualization planning where coach helps teacher envision what may actually happen during class at a detailed level, including when students’ responses may differ.
- Equity focus:
- Discussion guide includes “3 pillars of equity” in teaching, derived from research
- Mathematical Argumentation in Middle School book, based on 10 years of research by VisTe leaders, includes special sections on “Access for All”
- Choosing to See: A framework for educational equity. Seda and Brown. Many concrete actions to take in this book.
- Research project—NSF funded
- Participate in data collection
- Videos from classroom
- Student performance assessment (twice, 1 period long)
- District test data
- Teacher and coaches interviews and content assessments (Participants paid for extra time to do these)
- Participate in data collection