Visualize Teaching is a partnership and collaboration among four organizations.
People & Collaborators
Lead Staff

Teresa Lara-Meloy, PI, Senior Math Education Designer, TERC. Teresa oversees the VisTe project and , designs and leads the coaches’ professional development activities. She loves seeing how thrilled teachers and students are when they make their first conjecture, especially when exploring with dynamic representational tools.

Jennifer Knudsen, co-PI, Senior Mathematics Educator, TERC. Jennifer focuses on the teachers’ professional development. She has loved mathematical argumentation since college and is excited about working with coaches and teachers on this project. In her spare time, she drizzles alcohol inks on thin plastic paper and watches the designs they make.
TERC Project Staff

Ken Rafanan, Mathematics Education Researcher, TERC. Ken leads VisTe’s remote learning and technology platform development. He loves being in classrooms seeing how new curriculum and teaching moves work.

Hee-Joon Kim, Mathematics Education Researcher, TERC. Hee-Joon leads qualitative research design and analysis as well as coding scheme development. She loves to read math books that discuss fun, visual, and humane aspects of mathematics. She’s very excited about seeing young mathematicians in action in VisTe classrooms!

Jana Borgen, Senior Project Assistant, TERC. Jana has illustrated multiple educational apps for handheld devices. She is a former printmaker and metalsmith who enjoys granulating watercolors, doing Pysanky, and growing exotic plants.
Partners and Consultants

Harriette Stevens, MA, EdD, Consultant and Mathematics Educator, Mathematics Education Group. Harriette is a consultant for the VisTe project, supporting the development of its research-focused curriculum and teacher in-service sessions. She passionate about using discourse practices and is inspired to meet teachers who use language and other communication tools to advance mathematics learning.

Philip E. Poekert, Ph.D., Director, University of Florida Lastinger Center for Learning. Phil’s passion is around the development of technology-enhanced professional learning systems that support scalable solutions, and he will lead the Lastinger Center’s involvement in the VisTe project.
Alex Prinstein, M.Ed., Coordinator, Implementation Design, University of Florida Lastinger Center for Learning.
VisTe Project Advisors
- Michelle Perry
- Kristin Bieda
- Alvin Thaler
- Cathy Carroll
- Phil Vahey
About TERC
TERC is a nonprofit made up of teams of math and science education and research experts dedicated to innovation and creative problem solving. At the frontier of theory and practice, TERC’s work encompasses research, content and curriculum development, technology innovation, professional development, and program evaluation. TERC has a passion for social justice and strives to create level playing fields for all learners, reaching more than three million students every year.
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant #1907561. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundations
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