Co-Design of a VR Game with Neurodivergent Learners (2022)


Designers and researchers from EdGE at TERC and interns from Landmark College, a post-secondary institute for learners with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and other learning differences, co-designed a virtual reality (VR) game intended to engage a broad audience, including neurodivergent players, in STEM learning.

In this video, you will hear from members of the co-design team as they reflect on what the co-design process has meant to them and how it has shaped the project.

Through the co-design process, individual team members have gained confidence, felt heard and respected, changed their own ways of listening and communicating, grown professionally, and shaped the game in both expected and unexpected ways. Notably, because of co-design, an emphasis on inclusive communication, empathy, different preferences and tolerances, and non-overlapping perceptions have joined STEM in the content and narrative of the game.

 “Nothing about us without us.”

EdGE –

TERC: UniVRsal Access –

Landmark College –

MXTreality: Europa Prime Blog –

NSF Award: 2005447

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