What is a TIAN Bundle?

The TIAN Bundles are resources that were originally designed for ABE math teachers in states that participated in the TIAN pilot or field tests (Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Ohio, and Rhode Island). They are now available to any adult education professional who wants to explore a specific TIAN topic. Each bundle is designed to offer content for those meetings, so that teachers will continue to explore math together with their peers, have examples of activities that can be used with students, and read and reflect on research on numeracy instruction.

How can these bundles be used?

Each of the five bundles is designed to provide content for one or two 2-hour meetings. There are several resources to choose from, but it’s important that some math is done together and ample time is built in for debriefing and learning from each other’s experiences.

What is included in each bundle?

Each TIAN bundle has 3 sections:

  • A Math Topic which includes an Introduction giving an overview of the focused math topic. For example, the Math Topic in TIAN Bundle #1 is “Number Sense: Flexibility & Fluency”. Each Bundle also includes a set of Activities for teachers to explore, learn, discuss together, and possibly adapt for classroom use; Connections to State Standards; Classroom Resources for continuing to explore the topic with students; Articles & References for furthering participants’ own understanding of the math topic, including research and strategies for teaching.
  • Key Learning/Teaching Issues which includes a Problem Statement describing a key issue in teaching and learning numeracy in adult education classrooms; a set of Questions to guide discussion about the issue. For example, the Key Learning/Teaching Issue in TIAN Bundle #1 is “Are We Really Teaching Numeracy?”
  • A Facilitator’s Guide which includes suggestions for organizing and facilitating a regional meeting group with the Bundle materials.

Click any Bundle icon below to download the corresponding PDF.

bundle 1 logo
bundle 2 logo
bundle 3 icon
bundle 4 icon
bundel 5 icon

Related research and references

Click here for consolidated list of research, references, and useful readings related to TIAN.