ND in STEM was launched in 2023, but we have a long history of working in the field. Check out some of our previous work.
Zoombinis Implementation Study — While researching how the game Zoombinis and bridging materials impacted players’ computational thinking, we learned that often the students who excelled with Zoombinis — and were recognized as experts by their classmates — were not the typical “good students.” This energized entire new lines of design, development, and research efforts.
Revealing the Invisible — We worked with partners MIT and Landmark College to study how eye-tracking and other sensory data might be used to study implicit learning in games.
CodePlay — Working collaboratively with educators in a MA school district, we developed CT materials and found connections with success for a variety of thinkers (e.g., ND and English language learners).
EF+STEM at TERC Initiative — Across TERC, researchers conducted small projects, including lit reviews and pilot studies, to examine aspects of how executive function and STEM learning relate. In addition, experts on various EF subjects presented.