Neurodiversity in STEM is a network of educators, researchers, and designers studying new methods to reveal, nurture, and support STEM problem-solving talents in neurodivergent learners.
Our Mission
To embrace neurodiversity in STEM education.
- We believe the talents of neurodivergent learners are crucial to innovative STEM problem solving.
- We believe education should change to fit the learner, not the other way around.
- We believe neurodivergent learners should be part of the design and research of STEM learning experiences.
Our society is facing enormous challenges that beg for different types of solutions. And different types of solutions call for different ways of thinking. Unfortunately, learners who think differently are often marginalized by education systems.
ND in STEM works to change education systems and embrace the unique talents of neurodivergent learners in STEM. We:
- Serve learners from pre-K through adult.
- Span STEM disciplines, including computational thinking (CT).
- Work with educators and learners to design and develop inclusive materials and resources.
- Work with State and Local Education Agencies, museums, after-school clubs, and other educators to promote neurodiversity-forward educational experiences.
- Conduct rigorous research in K–12 classrooms, digital games, and Augmented and Virtual Reality environments.
- Provide practical strategies and materials for parents, educators, employers, and the general public.
Our research aims to support executive function (EF) for all STEM learners and address specific challenges, like sensory and attention differences, rather than focus on any one diagnosis in an effort to support inclusive learning in STEM education.
Our People
Meet the ND in STEM team, our co-designers, and our collaborators.
Our Work
The work of ND in STEM involves design, development, and research; happens in classrooms, museums, games, homes, and more; serves learners from pre-K through adult; spans STEM disciplines, as well as computational thinking; and aims to support inclusive learning in STEM education.

AugmentedEF — We’re designing and researching Augmented Reality (AR) supports for the attention deficit and executive function (EF) needs of post-secondary learners of STEM.

INFACT — We’re developing and researching a comprehensive and inclusive program for computational thinking in grades 3–8, with embedded scaffolds for supporting executive function.

NeuroVivid — We’re providing an Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) onramp to STEM careers for neurodivergent learners.

UniVRsal Access — We’re co-designing and researching a virtual reality (VR) STEM game for a broad audience, including players with sensory, attention, and/or social challenges.

Previous Work and Closed Projects — ND in STEM was launched in 2023, but we have a long history of working in the field. Check out some of our previous work.
About TERC
TERC is a nonprofit made up of teams of math and science education and research experts dedicated to innovation and creative problem solving. At the frontier of theory and practice, TERC’s work encompasses research, content and curriculum development, technology innovation, professional development, and program evaluation. TERC has a passion for social justice and strives to create level playing fields for all learners, reaching millions of learners every year.
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