Quantum Chemistry
Education and Career LevelProfessional
Photo Year2021
Author's NoteOne day at school 7 hours away from home, I participated in Roc Your Mocs. I felt connected to my home while also studying the fascinating world of physical chemistry. I excelled in that course. I loved it and this photo is purely two aspects of myself that I love and embrace. It’s simple, but profound.

Photo Year2021
Author's NoteOne day at school 7 hours away from home, I participated in Roc Your Mocs. I felt connected to my home while also studying the fascinating world of physical chemistry. I excelled in that course. I loved it and this photo is purely two aspects of myself that I love and embrace. It’s simple, but profound.

One day at school 7 hours away from home, I participated in Roc Your Mocs. I felt connected to my home while also studying the fascinating world of physical chemistry. I excelled in that course. I loved it and this photo is purely two aspects of myself that I love and embrace. It’s simple, but profound.

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