Native Land
Education and Career LevelProfessional
Photo Year2021
Author's StatementSomething about old growth trees always reminds me that this is Native land. Often as I walk around college campuses, I think about the people who cultivated this land before the college was established and the history that the college must grapple with. … This work is not something that is always recognized as being important to my STEM position. Sometimes it shapes my classes; sometimes it is recognized as service, but it is certainly not something most of my STEM colleagues are doing.

Photo Year2021
Author's StatementSomething about old growth trees always reminds me that this is Native land. Often as I walk around college campuses, I think about the people who cultivated this land before the college was established and the history that the college must grapple with. … This work is not something that is always recognized as being important to my STEM position. Sometimes it shapes my classes; sometimes it is recognized as service, but it is certainly not something most of my STEM colleagues are doing.

Something about old growth trees always reminds me that this is Native land. Often as I walk around college campuses, I think about the people who cultivated this land before the college was established and the history that the college must grapple with. … This work is not something that is always recognized as being important to my STEM position. Sometimes it shapes my classes; sometimes it is recognized as service, but it is certainly not something most of my STEM colleagues are doing.

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