Lab Safe
Education and Career LevelGraduate Student
Photo Year2021
Author's StatementScience gives me the freedom to wear what I want and express my own self in whichever ways that I want … Technically, both of these shoes are lab safe, as they’re close-toed shoes, and I just like the ability of having the freedom to dress how I want and express myself in a lab setting. For my qualifying exam, I even wore my ribbon skirt and some beaded earrings to my exam, and that was just nice to make me feel confident and good.

Graduate Student
Photo Year2021
Author's StatementScience gives me the freedom to wear what I want and express my own self in whichever ways that I want … Technically, both of these shoes are lab safe, as they’re close-toed shoes, and I just like the ability of having the freedom to dress how I want and express myself in a lab setting. For my qualifying exam, I even wore my ribbon skirt and some beaded earrings to my exam, and that was just nice to make me feel confident and good.

Science gives me the freedom to wear what I want and express my own self in whichever ways that I want … Technically, both of these shoes are lab safe, as they’re close-toed shoes, and I just like the ability of having the freedom to dress how I want and express myself in a lab setting. For my qualifying exam, I even wore my ribbon skirt and some beaded earrings to my exam, and that was just nice to make me feel confident and good.