Education and Career LevelUndergraduate Student
Photo Year2023
Author's StatementI want to go into volcanology, and this is an active volcano … There’s a lot of tribal land [here]. Doing this research on volcanos, you learn more about how the Indigenous people viewed the volcanos, and how present they [the volcanos] are in their oral traditions. Studying the lands that my ancestors once lived, hunted, and fished on and learning more about how they related to these geological features in their history, and hearing all these stories about it … Knowing how connected the Native population is to the geology of the United States really helped me in knowing that, as an Indigenous person, [geology] is something that I can relate to going into my future.

Undergraduate Student
Photo Year2023
Author's StatementI want to go into volcanology, and this is an active volcano … There’s a lot of tribal land [here]. Doing this research on volcanos, you learn more about how the Indigenous people viewed the volcanos, and how present they [the volcanos] are in their oral traditions. Studying the lands that my ancestors once lived, hunted, and fished on and learning more about how they related to these geological features in their history, and hearing all these stories about it … Knowing how connected the Native population is to the geology of the United States really helped me in knowing that, as an Indigenous person, [geology] is something that I can relate to going into my future.

I want to go into volcanology, and this is an active volcano … There’s a lot of tribal land [here]. Doing this research on volcanos, you learn more about how the Indigenous people viewed the volcanos, and how present they [the volcanos] are in their oral traditions. Studying the lands that my ancestors once lived, hunted, and fished on and learning more about how they related to these geological features in their history, and hearing all these stories about it … Knowing how connected the Native population is to the geology of the United States really helped me in knowing that, as an Indigenous person, [geology] is something that I can relate to going into my future.

Mathematics, Physical, & Earth Sciences
ThemesIndigenous Ways of Knowing
Supports & Strategies for STEM Persistence
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