Community Round Dance
Education and Career LevelProfessional
Photo Year2021
Author's StatementIt is so easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of school and at our jobs in STEM. What has helped me stay in STEM is interacting and learning Native traditions and science through community gatherings and meeting like-minded people who are for environmental health. This round dance happened with a group who are working towards both environmental and community health.

Photo Year2021
Author's StatementIt is so easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of school and at our jobs in STEM. What has helped me stay in STEM is interacting and learning Native traditions and science through community gatherings and meeting like-minded people who are for environmental health. This round dance happened with a group who are working towards both environmental and community health.

It is so easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of school and at our jobs in STEM. What has helped me stay in STEM is interacting and learning Native traditions and science through community gatherings and meeting like-minded people who are for environmental health. This round dance happened with a group who are working towards both environmental and community health.

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