This online gallery features photos from participants in the Native STEM Portraits study. These photos were submitted in response to three prompts: (1) the supports they encounter in STEM, (2) the barriers to their persistence, and (3) how their Native and STEM identities intersect to influence their experiences. The text accompanying each photo is either from a caption written by the participant or from a portion of their discussion of the photo during a research interview.  

The photos in this gallery are organized by time period, STEM disciplinary area, and theme as they relate to Indigenous identity and experiences in STEM. Photos were selected to represent as many genders, Indigenous groups and tribal affiliations, education and career levels, and STEM disciplines as possible. To protect the identities of the participants, pseudonyms are used.  

A physical photo exhibition made up of 16 professionally framed photos-with-text are available to individuals, institutions, and organizations interested in hosting at their respective locations. For more information, click here.

Time Period




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