Drip, Drip, Splatter Splash
Drip, Drip, Splatter Splash

Symmetric art your students can make with their names.

Africa, Symmetry, and Printmaking
Africa, Symmetry, and Printmaking

Contains images of symmetry from African art and artifacts.

Symmetry of the Past and Present
Symmetry of the Past and Present

This google site showcases the appeal of the universal design principle of symmetry in works of art.


Mexicolore staff answer a student’s question: Did the Aztecs like symmetry?

Symmetry in Biology
Symmetry in Biology

A Wikipedia page of animal with different types of symmetry.

Navajo Sand Paintings
Navajo Sand Paintings

Navajo sand painting photos.

Line of symmetry
Line of symmetry

Ask students which of these Creative Commons images actually have a line of symmetry.

History of Kites
History of Kites

History of kites.

Types of Kites
Types of Kites

Different types of kites and their origins.

Printable Rulers
Printable Rulers

138 printable rulers in PDF.