SRI International conducted an evaluation of MPACT in 2020–2022. Among the results: the students using MPACT units showed statistically significant gains in learning geometry, computational thinking, and spatial reasoning. SRI evaluators developed assessments for fourth and fifth graders to measure students’ learning and administered it in classrooms in fall 2020 and spring 2021, as well as fall and spring of 2021–2022. On average, MPACT students improved from pre- to post-test by an effect size of .62 in 2021 and.92 in 2022 roughly equal to a ten percentage-point higher score on the post-test (i.e., a letter grade difference). Results are presented in the graph, which displays the average student score at pre-and post-test, adjusted for grade level. Notice the results from the two years are remarkably similar, with the second year’s results somewhat stronger than the first.  

Evaluation Results from SRI, 2020–2022 

Students scored higher on tests after using MPACT modules 

Line graph
Populations Served
Illustration of a US map
55 teachers

grades 4–7, in NC, SC, WV, and CA

50% of students

from rural areas

over 50% of students

from low SES and marginalized groups