Presentations: NCTM and NCSM Annual Conferences (Oct. 2023)
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and The National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM) are hosting their annual conferences in Washington DC, October 25-28 (NCTM) and October 28-31 (NCSM).
NCTM Annual Conference
Speakers: Susan Jo Russell and Deborah Schifter
Session: Noticing and Conjecturing about the Arithmetic Operations: Weaving Mathematics and Equity
Date and Time: Saturday, 10/28/23, 9:45-11:00am
Location: DC Convention Center, 206
Description: During mathematics discussions, teachers weave students’ ideas into a mathematical story line while considering how to support each student’s opportunity to learn. Participants will do math together and view video from upper elementary classrooms to consider the challenges of managing these two commitments—to rigorous mathematics and to equitable participation.

NCSM Annual Conference
Speakers: Arusha Hollister, Cinthia Colón, and Lynne Godfrey
Session: Teacher Reflection: A Key Element to Equitable Participation in a Mathematics Learning Community
Date and Time: Tuesday, 10/31/23, 9:15-10:15 am
Location: Room 3
Description: Teacher reflection is essential to equitable participation in mathematical classrooms. All students, particularly those who have been historically marginalized, need opportunities to express their ideas, and see them valued. We will examine tools teachers can use to collect information about participation and reflect and act upon their findings. We will discuss how coaches can use these tools with teachers and explore examples of teachers using them, considering impacts on teacher practice and student participation.
Speakers: Susan Jo Russell and Deborah Schifter
Session: Stories from the Classroom: Students’ Mathematical Representations as a Context for Empowering Students and Teachers
Date and Time: Tuesday, 10/31/23, 12:15-1:15 pm
Location: Room 10-11
Description: By using student representations to ground discourse, teachers empower students to participate in mathematics through multiple modes, such as drawing, building, describing, pointing, and comparing. As students analyze connections among visual images, words, and equations, teachers empower themselves to understand the potential contributions of every student. Participants in this session will analyze classroom videos to consider how student representations, used as much more than visual aids, support both rigorous mathematics and equitable student participation.