“Counted Out” Screening (2/13/25)
Counted Out shows us the power of math in our society, our economy, and our democracy.
Sponsored by: TERC’s Forum for Equity in Elementary Mathematics and the Adult Numeracy Center
Date: February 13, 2025
Time: 6:30-8:30pm EST
(Note: This is a live event; a recording will not be shared or posted.)
This event is free, but requires registration:
In our current information economy, math is everywhere. The people we date, the news we see, the influence of our votes, the candidates who win elections, the education we have access to, the jobs we get — all of it is underwritten by an invisible layer of math that few of us understand, or even notice.
But whether we know it or not, our numeric literacy — whether we can speak the language of math — is a critical determinant of social and economic power. …
Counted Out shows us the power of math that undergirds our democracy. Who holds that power? Who doesn’t? And how can we all speak the language of math to fully participate in a world that belongs to everyone?
“Our inability, as citizens, to speak the language that is math is truly risky to us as a society.” — Julia Angwin, editor-in-chief of Proof News
Learn more at countedoutfilm.com.