These classroom resources are designed to support teachers and their students in developing and maintaining equitable learning communities in their mathematics classrooms. Developed by the Forum for Equity in Elementary Mathematics team, they will be released over the course of the 2023-2024 school year. Want to be notified when resources become available, events are announced, or blogs are published? Sign up here.  

Student Reflection Tool: Getting to Know Your StudentsNow Available!

A first grade teacher confers with a student working on a math problem, with connecting cubes.

This tool is designed to support teachers in establishing and maintaining equitable math learning communities by gathering information about their students’ experiences in math class. It helps teachers examine their students’ expectations, dispositions, and reactions to math group through exit tickets, surveys and student interviews.  

Teacher Reflection Tools: Equitable ParticipationBoth Tools Now Available!

A diverse class of 2nd graders sit on the rug for a math discussion, many with their hands raised.

These two tools are designed to help teachers bring about more equitable participation in their math classrooms by collecting data and reflecting on students’ participation and the teaching practices that may affect it. One tool focuses on participation in whole class discussions while the other focuses on small group/pair work (now available).

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Join us for our upcoming Professional Learning Network sessions to connect with educators and discover more about these tools.


ExcursionsNow Available!

A child and parent work on a building project together, outside.

These supplementary projects extend the math students are learning. Some incorporate history, art, science, and/or nature. Others take up an issue in the community or a matter of social justice. All are intended to spark joy in doing mathematics, and to help students see themselves and others in the mathematics they are doing.


Making all of my students feel valued and integral to our learning community, and letting them know that their identities are valid, and not only valid but should be celebrated for all of the different perspectives that they bring, is very important to me." 

– Classroom teacher