NEW: Two Illustrated Sets of Lessons for Park Rangers and Scientists. A humorous look at communication challenges.

- Tips in Words and Drawings 1: Launching collaborations in National Parks
- Tips in Words and Drawings 2: Collaborating with scientists in National Parks
Allen, L., Char, C., Wright, T., Merson, M. (2018). Beyond the Brown Bag: Designing effective professional development for informal educators. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58(1).
Char, C. 2015. To Be Inquisitive in the Natural World. Char Associates.
Forist BE, Merson M, Allen LC and Hristov NI (2021) A Moving Dune, A Stunning View: Visitors’ Recollections of a Ranger-Led Hike at Indiana Dunes National Park. Front. Educ. 6:675672. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.675672
Char, C., 2020. iSWOOP Implementation In National Parks Perspectives from Park Leaders, Interpreters, Visitors, and Scientists Report
Hristov, N., Strohecker, C., Allen, L., Merson, M. Designing for Broad Understanding of Science: Insights from practice. Integrative and Comparative Biology (58)1.
Hristov, N. Strohecker, C., Allen, L., Merson, M. 2019. Talking Visuals in a Digital Age. Legacy 10(5); 32-35
Merson, M., Allen, L., Cox, P., Hristov, N. (2016). Roving with a Digital Visual Library: Increased Learning Opportunities at Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Journal of Interpretation Research. 21(1).
Merson, M., Char, C., Hristov, N. and Allen L. (2018) Seeking Park-based Science Information: Interpreters at the Gate. George Wright Society Forum 34(3).
Merson, M., Char, C., McFarland, M., Hristov, N. I., and Allen, L. C., 2022. Feeling Accountable: Interpreting Park-Based Science in the 21st Century. Journal of Interpretation Research.
Merson, M. Finding a Way Forward: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Indiana Dunes (2019).
Merson, M. Parker-Geisman, A., Allen, L. C., and Hristov, N. I. 2021. Research Briefs through Interpreters’ Eyes: Recommendations for scientists sharing park-based research. Bulletin Ecological Society of America 102(1).
Merson, M., and Pattison, S. 2020. Connecting Field Trips and Family Interest: A Tool to Elicit English- and Spanish-Speaking Families’ Interests Connected Science Learning October-December 2020 (Volume 2, Issue 4)
Merson, M., Pattison, S., Wright, T. Park Visitors’ Interests. iSWOOP Instrument Development and Piloting 2019. Cambridge, MA: TERC. Reports 1 and 2 and the Instrument
Parker-Geisman, A. 2017. Inspiring Visitors’ Scientific Inquiry. Legacy 8(4).
Phillips, S., Merson, M., Allen, L. and Hristov, N. Millions of Monarchs and the Quest to Count Them. Frontiers for Young Minds.
Phiilips, S., Merson, M., Allen, L., Hristov, N., Brodman, R. Environmental Health through the Eyes of Indicator Species. Frontiers for Young Minds.
Watkins, T., and Merson, M. 2017. What Don’t We Know; Messages about science. Legacy 8(4); 30-31.