Meet Our Team

Jodi Asbell-Clarke
Jodi Asbell-Clarke

Co-Founder and Director of EdGE at TERC

Zac Alstad
Zac Alstad

Senior Researcher

Erin Bardar
Erin Bardar

Director of Education Materials

Ibrahim Dahlstrom-Hakki
Ibrahim Dahlstrom-Hakki

Senior Education Research Scientist

Teon Edwards
Teon Edwards

Director of Development and Co-Founder of EdGE

Jamie Larsen
Jamie Larsen

Lead Developer and Co-Founder of EdGE

Kelly Paulson
Kelly Paulson

Project Manager

Renee Pawlowski
Renee Pawlowski

Project Assistant

Tara Robillard
Tara Robillard

Developer and Family Liaison

Elizabeth Rowe
Elizabeth Rowe

Director of Research

Newest Team Members

This young EdGE supporter truly understands the value of play in learning!

People at Play