The Introduction to Computational Thinking (CT) Activity Sequence introduces learners to the core ideas of CT – Pattern Recognition, Abstraction, Decomposition, and Algorithmic Thinking (“PRADA”). The Activity Map below outlines a potential Sequence, pulling activities from the Foundational and Wrap-Up XXXs.


ActivityTime DescriptionMaterials/TechGroup Size
Jigsaw Puzzles: An Introduction to CT~ 45 minutesUsing the assembly of a jigsaw puzzle as an example, introduce and explore CT as a problem-solving process that can be applied to many different tasks in school and in learners’ daily lives.SpecialTeams or Class
Just Talk: An Introduction to CT~ 25 minutesIntroduce and explore CT as a problem-solving process that can be applied to many different tasks in school and in learners’ daily lives.BasicTeams or Class


Assemble Your Own CT Posters~ 10 minutesOver time and across other activities, learners assemble examples of CT practices and record them on posters showing the four (or five, if include debugging) main facets of CT.BasicTeams or Class