CALM is a CCRSAE-aligned curriculum that is designed to build strong conceptual understanding of Core Math Concepts through visual models that spark dialogue and give teachers insight into student’s reasoning.

Do you have some curriculum pieces in place but can’t figure out how to connect them while also incorporating the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRSAE)? Does your present curriculum look very similar to what already exists in most workbooks and published texts? Does your present curriculum seem to focus primarily on procedures, drill, and memorization? 

If so, maybe CALM is for you! CALM — Curriculum for Adults Learning Math — incorporates the CCRSAE content standards as well as the Standards for Mathematical Practice. It also clearly addresses the key instructional shifts: focuscoherence, and rigor. CALM focuses on those key standards needed for adults to be successful math thinkers. CALM follows a coherent continuum that helps students developmentally progress through math topics by making connections among different math content. And, CALM addresses all three aspects of rigor: conceptual understanding, application, and procedural skill and fluency. 

Download the CALM Info Sheet


CALM was developed by the Adult Numeracy Center at TERC, Inc., with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Grant # 19ACLJS1). Copyright © 2018 Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


CALM includes material from TERC’s previously-published groundbreaking EMPower™ book series. Licensing inquiries should be addressed to

[CALM] is so powerful, and I really like it. I have been implementing ...this year and observing positive outcomes in my classroom. I look forward to improving my practice..."

– Adult Education Teacher