BeCALM is a cognitively rigorous, CCRSAE-aligned curriculum that is designed to center the thinking of beginning math learners (GLE 2-4) as they build a conceptual foundation of basic mathematics.

Adults who are beginning math learners can sometimes find themselves left behind by high school equivalency (HSE) curricula or stuck trying to memorize their way through calculations they don’t understand. BeCALM (Beginning Curriculum for Adults Learning Math) is a conceptually-focused and cognitively rigorous curriculum that supports beginning math learners in developing math concepts and skills while centering student thinking.

The BeCALM curriculum is composed of remote-ready units for adult learners needing math instruction at beginning levels (GLE 2-4). While adult students at this math level may have any level of reading, the student materials are designed to be used by adults with a reading level of GLE 2 or above. They are appropriate for use with English Language Learners at an intermediate level or above.

Key Features of BeCALM

  • Composed of remote-ready units for adult learners needing math instruction at beginning levels (GLE 2-4)
  • Aligned to the CCRSAE and best suited for students at CCRSAE Levels B/C (GLE 2-4)
  • Accessible for students at an ABE reading level and for English Learners
  • Reflects the CCRSAE mathematics instructional shifts (focus, coherence, rigor) with particular emphasis on building a foundation of conceptual understanding
  • Explicitly incorporates the Standards for Mathematical Practice into lessons
  • Promotes a classroom environment characterized by student discussion, productive struggle with challenging non-routine problems, and the development of a growth mindset

What teachers are saying about BeCALM professional development:

[BeCALM] is so powerful, and I really like it. I have been implementing ...this year and observing positive outcomes in my classroom. I look forward to improving my practice..."

– Adult Education Teacher


BeCALM was developed by the Adult Numeracy Center at TERC, Inc., with funding from the MA Public Adult Education Professional Development System (Grant # 19ACLJS1). Copyright © 2018 Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


BeCALM includes material from TERC’s previously-published groundbreaking EMPower™ book series. Licensing inquiries should be addressed to Some units also include materials from TERC’s Investigations in Number, Data, and Space curriculum, with permission of the publisher, Savaas Learning Company.